Fauch 200 (1kg) Rensemiddel olje/gass

Fauch 200 (1kg) Rensemiddel olje/gass

Varenr: 401000

Rengjøringsmiddel for fyrkjeler - olje/gass

Fjerner sot og skitt i olje- og gassfyringsanlegg.

Mengde: 1kg (spruteflaske)

Fauch 200 er beregnet for å spraye på sot (svartsot) som er forårsaket av forbrenning med alt for lite luft tilføsel, det vil si at kjelen har blitt sotet ned i løpet av kort tid ( 1 til 5-6 timer). Stoffet sprayes på soten og brenneren startes deretter tar det fyr i soten som brenner opp. Dette stoffet er fint for fyrings teknikeren å ha med seg i bilen for å fjerne sot som har oppstått plutselig.

For rens/fjerning av hardere sot som har oppstått over lenger tid anbefales Fauch 400 for olje kjeler og Fauch 600 for gasskjeler.

A product for removing soot in boiler systems Burner faults, an incorrectly adjusted burner, closed windows to the boiler room and other, malfunctioned sources for sufficient combustion air, can be causes for the formation of flaky soot in the heating and hot water boiler. The heating will switch itself off as the result of these faults. It is impossible to restart (the boiler) without removing the flaky soot. Mechanical methods
(extraction) are costly, unpleasant and create a lot of dirt. The flaky soot can be comfortably burned off by using modern catalysators.

Fauch 200

  • Removes combustible residues - especially flaky soot - in combustion systems that are fired by oil or gas.
  • Is a preparation for catalysators, which reduces the soot's ignition temperature - ranging between 650 °C and 800 °C - to approximately 300 °C. As a result, the flaky soot is ignited and burns off.
  • Contains a solvent which can even penetrate into thick layers of soot in the catalysator. The solvent in Fauch 200 burns at high temperature and accelerates the soot burning off.

Switch off the boiler system and allow the firing chamber's surface to cool down to approximately 50 °C. (There is a danger of deflagration (blow out) if this procedure is not followed!). Fauch 200 is sprayed onto the sooty surfaces with the aid of an atomizer pump. The burner is ignited again and allowed to burn for approximately 2 minutes. A glowing fire will be created as a result. Now
turn the burner off and ensure that there is a good supply of oxygen. Incombustible residues (sulphate deposits) can be removed with Fauch 400 or by using Fauch 410.

Safety advice
Only use the Fauch 200 atomizer pump! Do not spray by using the Fauch 400 hand-held unit (corrosion). Avoid contact with the skin. Keep in a safe place that is inaccessible to children. Do not bring into contact with foodstuffs and stimulants.